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Revision as of 16:33, 7 June 2019

{ } braces

[ ] brackets

( ) parentheses

< less than

> greater than

argument data that is needed to perform a given task

array a list or ordered collection of elements

block a section of code defined by some reserved symbol.

boolean a datatype that can hold either a 1 or a 0, true or false

byte 8 bits

case sensitive a condition wherein whether a character is upper or lower case has significance

char a datatype that holds a character

class a derived C++ datatype that represents a collection of related members and functions.

condition a relational expression that evaluates to true or false

constant a location in memory whose value does not change

counter a variable used to keep count

datatype a term used to declare the kind of value a variable will hold or a function will return

define to assign a value to a variable or to write the code that holds the instructions for a function

double a datatype for a floating point (decimal) variable

editor a program that is used to create source code

encapsulation to enclose in a block using braces

error codes values that are returned to indicate why a process failed

executable code the end result of the compiling/linking process, stand alone code that can be run on a computer

float a datatype that can hold floating point or decimal value

function a block of code that encapsulates a given process

global the scope of a variable that allows it to be used by all blocks of a program

IDE integrated development environment

identifier the name assigned to a variable or function

initialization the process of assigning an initial or beginning value to a variable

instance the occurrence of an object of a class

int the datatype that holds a whole number or integer

keyword a reserved word reserved in a programming language that is assigned a special meaning

main a keyword used to define the principle block of code. This is the name of the function where the program begins

member a variable or function in a class

object something created when a variable is declared. An instantiation of a class

object oriented programming a type of programming that used classes to create objects.

operator word or symbol that causes some kind of computation or action

pixel a picture element, the smallest bit of data on a screen

pseudocode English text that describes the flow or steps of a program

public a member of a class that can be accessed by objects of any class

relational operator a word or symbol that tests whether an expression is true or false

return value a value sent back to the calling function when a function ends

scope the block in which a value can be accessed

source code the instructions of a program written in a programming language

statement a line of instruction terminated by a semicolon

trace to follow the sequence of a program

variable an object, a location in memory whose value can change

void a datatype that holds no value