Object Oriented Programming

esse quam videri
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<php> // Example 1 $pizza = "piece1 piece2 piece3 piece4 piece5 piece6"; $pieces = explode(" ", $pizza); echo $pieces[0]; // piece1 echo $pieces[1]; // piece2 </php>

I am involved on the development of a new extension, this one is very simple (like the others one) and its intended to HIGHLIGHT Syntax on code posted at the wiki. The extension will use enscript (available on all linuxes) and will put colour to the code , and them will put it under "pre" tags.

The CVS location of the code is : http://www.wickle.com/horde/cvs/cvs.php/mediawikiextensions


There r no good programs without little requirements ;) The only one is enscript

I am using 1.6.1 but i tested sucesfully under last version 1.6.4


  • Download the extension from my CVS at wickle
  • Alternate Download at SF.net : SF.net CVS

Install instructions

you must copy SyntaxHighlight.php to $mediawiki/extensions directory and add this line to LocalSettings.php: include("extensions/SyntaxHighlight.php");

Also you must set $wgSyntaxSettings->dotCommand = "/usr/bin/enscript"; to accomplish your installation of SyntaxHighlight.

Using it

To use , the only thing you must do are put the code between
<code> and </code>
tags. And inside this tags you must put one tag indicating the

language used (for example <perl/>,<sh/>,<java/>)




  1. !/usr/local/bin/perl5.8.2
  2. envia un correo a account_for_backups@gmail.com como usuario wickle con el backup de las
  3. ultimas base de datos de wickle y con el label Backup
  4. Usa Mail::Webmail::Gmail en #http://search.cpan.org/dist/Mail-Webmail-Gmail/lib/Mail/Webmail/Gmail.pm
  5. Syntax ./send_gmail.pl file_to_backup.tar.gz

use Mail::Webmail::Gmail;

my $backup_label="Backups"; my $file_to_backup=$ARGV[0]; my $mail_to_backup="account_for_backups@gmail.com"; my $now = localtime time; print "It is now $now.\nfile to backup: $file_to_backup\n"; my ( $gmail ) = Mail::Webmail::Gmail->new(

           username => 'mygmailaccount', password => 'mypassword', );
   my $msgid = $gmail->send_message( to => 'account_for_backups@gmail.com', subject => 'Backup bases de datos '. $now, msgbody => 'Backup del dia '.$now. ' realizado', file0 => [$file_to_backup] );
   print "Msgid: $msgid\n";
   if ( $msgid ) {
       if ( $gmail->error() ) {
           print $gmail->error_msg();
       } else {
               ### Add this label to our new message ###
               $gmail->edit_labels( label => $backup_label, action => 'add', 'msgid' => $msgid );
               if ( $gmail->error() ) {
                   print $gmail->error_msg();
               } else {
                   print "Added label: $backup_label to message $msgid\n";



  1. !/bin/bash
  2. Getting some variables

FULLPATH=`dirname $1`; BASE=`basename $1`;

  1. Needs an argument

if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then

 # no argument given, print usage
 echo "start control version on configuration file";
 echo "use: $0 file";


 # check if RCS directory exist or create it
 if [ -d $FULLPATH/RCS ] ; then
   echo "revisions directory existent ...";
   mkdir $FULLPATH/RCS
 # Things to do when a RCS file exist
 if [ -e $FULLPATH/RCS/$BASE,v ] ; then
   echo "File exist. Checking for differences ..."
   # Check if there is any differences
   if ! rcsdiff $1; then
     echo "==================================="
     echo "WARNING: changes have been made to $1 and are not in the repository. Carefully look at the diff above, comment them below for committing or CTRL+C to abort."
     # Lock file
     /usr/bin/rcs -l $1
     if ! /usr/bin/ci -u $1; then
       echo "Error when commiting. Aborting"
   echo "==================================="
   echo "Getting lastest revision and locking it ..."
   /usr/bin/co -l $1
 echo "Launching editor ..."
 vim $1
 # changes made, commit them to the repository unlocked
 /usr/bin/ci -u $1



<java/> /*

* Algernon - a rule-based inference engine in Java.
* http://algernon-j.sourceforge.net/
* This example shows how to open a Protege knowledge base
* in Java and use Algernon to query the KB.
* To run it, be sure to change the path in NEWSPAPER_PROJECT
* to match the correct project on your system.
* Micheal Hewett
* 05 May 2004
* hewett@cs.stanford.edu

package org.algernon.test;

import java.util.*;

import org.algernon.Algernon; import org.algernon.util.ErrorSet; import org.algernon.datatype.Result; import org.algernon.datatype.BindingList; import org.algernon.kb.okbc.protege.AlgernonProtegeKB; import org.algernon.kb.AlgernonKB;

// date created: Wed Aug 14 11:02:44 2002 /**

* Opens the Protege newspaper KB and makes some simple queries on it.
* Example:
* java  -classpath algernon.jar:protege.jar org.algernon.test.SimpleAlgernonExample

* @see org.algernon.Algernon
* @author  Micheal S. Hewett    hewett@smi.stanford.edu

public class SimpleAlgernonExample extends Object {

 public static String     NEWSPAPER_PROJECT = "/Applications/Protege_2.0/examples/newspaper/newspaper.pprj";
 protected Algernon   f_algy        = null;   // Algernon instance
 protected AlgernonKB f_kb          = null;
 protected String     f_projectFile = "";

 // date created: Wed Aug 14 11:02:44 2002
 // created by:   Micheal S. Hewett    hewett@smi.stanford.edu
 public SimpleAlgernonExample()
   f_projectFile = NEWSPAPER_PROJECT;
 public SimpleAlgernonExample(String project)
   f_projectFile = project;

  * Opens the KB and initializes Algernon.
 public void init()
   try {
     f_algy = new Algernon();
     f_kb   = new AlgernonProtegeKB(f_algy, f_projectFile);
   catch (Exception e) {
     System.err.println(e + "\nUnable to open the '" + f_projectFile + "' KB.");

   * Halts the program nicely.
  public void stop()
    if (f_kb != null)
 public static void main(String[] args)
   SimpleAlgernonExample example = new SimpleAlgernonExample(NEWSPAPER_PROJECT);
 public void start()
   try {
     // Example that retrieves all bindings of the variable ?X.
     // Note that the variable names are case-sensitive:
     ErrorSet errors = new ErrorSet();
     String   query  = "((:instance Author ?a)(name ?a ?name))";
     Result result = (Result)f_algy.ask(query, errors);
     if (result == null)
       System.err.println("Errors during ask of '" + query + "'");
       // One way to access the results is to iterate on the results
       // using result.iterator().  Each element of the iterator
       // is of type BindingList.
       for (Iterator iterator = result.iterator();
         // Result contains some BindingList objects.
         BindingList bl = (BindingList) iterator.next();
         // The bound object will either be a Java Object (Integer, Float, etc.)
         // or a KB object (typically a Protege Instance).
         // If you want Algernon objects, use algy.getAlgernonBinding().
         Object author = f_algy.getBinding("?a",    bl);
         Object name   = f_algy.getBinding("?name", bl);
         System.out.println("Author: " + author + ",  name: " + name);
         // If for some reason you don't know the names of the variables
         // in the Binding Lists, you can iterate on the BindingList to
         // retrieve variable names and values. See the JavaDoc documentation
         // for the BindingList api.
       // A simpler way to show the results is to let Algernon print the results:
       System.out.println(f_algy.printResultToString("ask", result));
   } catch (Exception e) {
     System.err.println("Error running Algernon: " + e);
   } finally {
