OOP Class6

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What is UML

Unified Modeling Language.
"A modeling language is a language whose vocabulary and rules focus on the conceptual and physical representation of a system"

The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Booch Rumbaugh Jacobson ACM Press, Addison Wesley 1999 ISBN 0201571684 The Unified Modeling Language User Guide

Simple Notation

Class notation in UML

The name of the Class should go inside of a box

Class Name

Then Two lines are added. The first line separates Attributes. The second line separates Operations. Attributes are the equivalent of fields or properites in c# and Operations are the same as methods.

Class Name
<--Class Name

A Rectagle Class might look like this


You can also specify Attribute types with a :

height : Float
width : Float

Default vlaues are specified with =

height : Float = 6.0
width : Float = 4.0

Operator return type are also specifed with a :. Opertor parameter signatures are specified by ( name : Type )

height : Float = 6.0
width : Float = 4.0
area() : Float
copy() :Rectangle
isEmpty() : Boolean = true

UML Resources

Dia A Drawing Program

Dia for windows

Dog Diagrams with Dia

Dog Exmaples

Simple Dog Class from week 5 DogSimple.cs - source
DogSimple.png <csharp>using System;

//Dog simple class definition public class Dog {

	public string Name;		// the dog's name

public int Age; // the dog's age public int Weight; // the dog's weight public string BarkSound; // the sound of the dog's bark

public Dog() { BarkSound = "Woof!!!"; }

public void Bark() { //put bark code here } public void Eat() { //put eat code here } }</csharp>

Dog UML with Types

Dog Class with Types from week 4 DogWithTypes.cs - source

DogWithTypes.png <csharp>using System;

//Dog simple class definition public class Dog {

	public string Name;		// the dog's name

private int Age; // the dog's age public int Weight; // the dog's weight public string BarkSound; // the sound of the dog's bark private int barkCount; //The number of time the dog has barked public Dog() { BarkSound = "Woof!!!"; }

public string Bark() { string strBark = this.BarkSound;

       barkCount ++;
       return strBark;


public void Eat() { //put eat code here } }</csharp>

Inheritance - 'Is A'

ArsDigita University Course 04: Object-oriented Program Design and Software Engineering - Lecture Notes 3

C# supports single class inheritance only. Therefore, you can specify only one base class to inherit from.

A Basenji is an African barkless dog. A Basenji is a dog. syntax

<csharp>public class Basenji : Dog {

   //override constructor
   public Basenji() : base()
       barkSound = "Basenjis don't bark, but they do howl and growl.";
   public override void Bark()
       Console.WriteLine("Basenjis dont bark.");

// some more code.... }

public class Dog { // some dog code... //methods need to be marked virtual or protected to be overridden

   public virtual void Bark() 
       //make dog bark
       Console.WriteLine (this.Name + " says " + this.barkSound);
       //add 1 to the number of times the dog has barked
       this.barkCount++ ;


Basenji.cs -source

Virtual Functions

A class modifier that indicates that a method can be overridden by a derived class. We will look at virtual function when we look at abstract classes

Abstract Classes

abstract - A class modifier that specifies that the class must be derived from to be instantiated.

<csharp>abstract public class Mammal { private string birth; private string skin;

public Mammal() { birth = " gives birth to live young."; skin = " has Hair."; }

public string Birth { get { return birth; } } public string Skin { get { return skin; } } }</csharp>

Inheritance example /infod/jeff/classSource/class5/DogMammal.cs -source

Polymorphic Types

Polymorphism (computer science) Different types implementing the same functionality.
polymorphism webopedia The C# Station Tutorial - Lesson 9: Polymorphism

<csharp>abstract public class Mammal { private string name; private string birth; private string skin;

public Mammal() { name = "none"; birth = " gives birth to live young."; skin = " has Hair."; }

public Mammal(string newName) { name = newName; birth = " gives birth to live young."; skin = " has Hair."; }

public string Birth { get { return birth; } } public string Skin { get { return skin; } } public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } public virtual void Bark() { Console.WriteLine("Some Mammals Bark."); } }

public class Dog : Mammal { public string BarkSound; // the sound of the dog's bark

public Dog(string newName) { Name = newName; BarkSound = "Woof!!!"; }

public override void Bark() { base.Bark(); Console.WriteLine(this.Name + " says " + this.BarkSound); } public void Eat() { //put eat code here } }

public class Basenji : Dog { //override constructor public Basenji(string newName) : base(newName) { BarkSound = "basenjis don't bark, but they do howl and growl."; }

public override void Bark() { base.Bark(); Console.WriteLine("\nBasenjis dont bark."); }

   // some more code....


DogPoly.cs -source


- remember these from week 2

Lightweight alternatives to classes. Structs do not support inheritance or destructors. Structs are value typed objects similar to ints bool etc... while classes are refence types. Structs are more memory efficient and and faster than classes. Syntax

[ attributes] [access-modifiers] struct identifier [:interface-list {struct members}

<csharp>struct Dog {

public string name;
public string weight;
public int age;


This is a pretty lightweight dog and is pretty useless as a dog (It's can't even bark what fun is that) so I won't make an example.

A good example of a stuct would be and something like a point. There may be many many points in a structure or graph and we would want the points to be a lightweight as possible. Since the point object won't have an methods this is a good time to use a struct.

<csharp>struct Point {

   public int x;
   public int y;
   public Point(int x, int y)
       this.x = x;
       this.y = y;
   public Point Add(Point pt)
       Point newPt;
       newPt.x = x + pt.x;
       newPt.y = y + pt.y;
       return newPt;


In class

Discuss Dog Diagram

OOP Full Dog Diagram


use Pair Programming to make tests and classes from the following UML

OOP Students Classes Diagram

Create a UML Diagram of your c# classes (not the tv and radio yeah the pong machine and ninja and kungfumonkey and stuff)


Chapter 2 Introducin the UML in The Unified Modeling Language Users Guided (hand out)

Chapter 4 Classes in The Unified Modeling Language Users Guided (hand out)

quiz #2 next week

Pair Programming

Pair Programming

We are going to pair off to do our next assignment. Many of the paired programming principles come from XP (http://www.extremeprogramming.org/ Extreeme Progamming)

Pairs are good because

  • Pairs keep each other on track
  • A partner can help when you are stuck
  • Keep each other accountable

Some XP Principles

Fail - If you are having trouble succeeding fail.

Baby Steps - Do the smallest thing that you possible can that moves you in the right direction

If you do decide to dive and conqure the problem please remember that integration process is unpredictable and can be quite difficult. Try to integrate your code often. Try posting up your code and emailing or plan on meeting several times.

When topair programmers are together one you should sit a one computer (yeah that right two of you at one computer) and one should type while the other watches and reflects. Feel free to slide the keyboard back and forth when someone get tired, stuck or has a new idea.

I would like you and your paired partner to create and demonstate classes in c# from the diagram below.