Time Based Composing class 8

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This week we will cover Premiere using a sample file which places an image and details from it into timeline and adds sounds.

  • In Classfolders, Week 8, open audiodemo.prprj

This is a simplified model for what you might do for Project #2: Soundscape with one image and several sound files.

In Photoshop

  • Choose an image to work with in Photoshop. It should be at least 720x480, preferably larger, and should have the potential to be associated with many different sound sources.
  • In Photoshop, make 2 or 3 selections of portions of the image. Save them in the same folder as the original image.
  • Create a folder for sound and save several sound effects in it.

In Premiere

  • In Premiere, create a new project, 720x480, NTSC (the default)
  • Import the folder with your images, and the one with your sounds.
  • In the Text menu, create an opening title, and drag it to Video 1 in the timeline.
  • Drag the original image next to the title in the timeline.
  • Placing the timeline indicator at the place where the two files meet, choose the Effects panel, Video Transitions, Cross Dissolve. Once the dissolve is created, double clicking on it will bring up a panel in the Source window that allows you to modify the properties.
  • A file may be lengthened by dragging on the final frame, and shortened by choosing the razor blade in the tools panel (lower R).
  • In Video 2, place the other images at intervals along the timeline.
  • Manipulate the opacity of the primary image in Video 1 by clicking on the circle between the two arrows all the way at the L for each keyframe you want to create, and dragging the yellow line up or down for varying levels of opacity.
  • The sample introduces each detail with opacity of the main image all the way up, and then decreases opacity on the main image for most of the duration of the detail.
  • In Premiere, go to File>Export>Movie and render your movie as a quicktime in DV/DVCPRO NTSC codec. This preserves a high quality archival render.
  • For display on the web, go to File>Export>Adobe Media Encoder and choose Flash Video.
  • In both cases, render the work area if the file is longer than your active media. The work area is the blue-gray bar with 4 vertical white lines under the numbers in the timeline. Pull the end marker out so that it covers the area you want rendered.

Using Flash Video

  • For class, take the files below which include a commented copy with just one sample movie in it rather than a playlist from the tutorial files. You will find them Classfolders/TBC/pub/week8. This will give you a model to manipulate.
  • Make sure you place the files: flvplayer.html; flvplayer.swf; yourmovie.flv; swfobject.js into your directory.
  • Open the flvplayer.html document in BBedit
  • Change the name of the movie and the dimensions, and if you have a .jpg you want to represent the movie while the movie is still, change the slug to its name and dimensions.
  • Save in your pub/TBC directory with the other files mentioned above (including your .flv movie file).
  • And voila! A flash video in a web page.
  • Explanatory note – the sample page contains reference to a javascript included as one of the files given. This is needed to make the browser recognize the flv file.