Sound for Interaction Syllabus

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Sound for Interaction Syllabus Department of Interactive Arts and Media

Main Office Contact Number 312.344.7750

Main Office Address

Office ste. 600,
624 S. Michigan Ave (Torco Bldg.)

Instructor contact info:

Jeff Meyers
312.344.7750 (office)

Class Website:

Office Hours:
Jeff By Appointment (I'm here from 9-5 Monday-Friday)

Sections Summer 2007
36-1400 (UG06) 01 - Sound & Image


Course Objectives

Learn the techniques and competencies required to critically analyze and constructively interpret music and sound as narration and recognize them as a supporting function of linear and nonlinear visual media. This course also aims to build a concrete foundation in acoustics and digital audio. Field recording techniques and post-production strategies are also part of the course.

Required Texts

Sound Design for Interactive Media by Joseph Cancellaro, PhD, (ISBN:1-4018-8102-5)

Assignments and Projects

  • Directed Sound Environment
  • Voice Recording
  • Music looping and editing
  • Sound for video
  • Interactive sound

All assigned readings in the syllabus are from the required texts unless otherwise noted

Required supplies: Notebook, CDs or DVDs for archiving, web access, IAM Website!!


Attendance and participation in class are required and expected. Three unexcused absences will result in a failing grade for the class.

Two late arrivals equal one absence. You are expected to be in class on time, attendance is taken at the beginning of class. Two absences (even excused absences) may result in a failing grade. Three absences and you FAIL- NO EXCEPTIONS. If an absence cannot be avoided, it must be discussed with your instructor ahead of time. Medical and other emergency leave of absences follow a different policy. Please contact your instructor if such a situation arises.

Departmental Archival Policy

On the final day of class you must submit all work and documentation (including proposals) on 3 DVDs. You will not pass the course without fulfilling this requirement. The DVD will not be returned – create a backup copy for your files.

Class Website Policy

As part of this class you will be expected to create an maintain a class portfolio website. This website should showcase all of your in class and homework assignments. It is your responsibility to maintain links to all of these projects. These links will be used for grading the projects and a missing link will be considered the same as a missing assignment.

Grading Policy

Final grades are based upon:

Abrev Assignment Points
Web Build Class Website 5
Simp Simpsons Project 5
ss Sound Sculpture 5
Ef1 Effects Presentaion 5
Final Final Project 20
q1 Quiz 1 Sound Properties 20
q2 Quiz 2 20
q3 Quiz 3 20
q4 Quiz 4 20
part participation 20 (15 attendance)
qmu Make up quiz (20)

Late assignments will lose at least 1 point per week.

It is expected that students will turn in their own work and maintain honest academic practices. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade. Assignments and projects turned in after the date due will be marked down one letter grade for each day late.


A MINIMUM grade of ‘C’ is required in order for this course to count toward your major in Interactive Arts and Media. If you do not complete the course with a ‘C’ or better, you will be required to re-enroll in the course until you reach this benchmark. Be advised that if this course is a prerequisite for other courses, that the failure to achieve a grade of ‘C’ or better WILL impede the progress of your studies.

Grading Guideline

 90-93 A-
       above average and outstanding work, no more than one absence, 
       active participation in class and excellent scores
       on exams and projects 
 87-89 B+
 84-86 B
 80-83 B-
       above average work, no more than two absences, and active 
       participation in class and above average scores on exams and projects
 77-79 C+
 74-76 C
 70-73 C-
       average work, no more than two absences, and/or average scores
       on exams and projects
 69-60 D
       below average work, no more than two absences, and/or below
       average scores on exams and projects
 59 and below F
       anything below and including 59% - failure to turn in assignments, three
       or more absences, and/or failing grades on exams and projects
       can lead to an F


Course Site is on Oasis and This syllabus is subject to change.

Minimum Grade for IAM Majors

A minimum grade of ‘C’ is required in order for this course to count toward your major in Interactive Arts and Media. If you do not complete the course with a ‘C’ or better, you will be required to re-enroll in the course until you reach this benchmark. Be advised that if this course is a prerequisite for other courses, that the failure to achieve a grade of ‘C’ or better WILL impede the progress of your studies.

==Incomplete Policy== (college-wide) An "Incomplete" grade will be granted rarely, and only in conformance with college-wide policy. For the full policy statement and a copy of the Student-Faculty Agreement for Incomplete Grade Form, go to Note that incomplete grades are granted at the sole discretion of your instructor. Do not assume that you will be able to take an incomplete. Incomplete grades are granted extremely rarely.

Academic Integrity

It is expected that students will turn in their own work and maintain honest academic practices. Failure to do so may result in a failing grade. All students are expected to be familiar with (and follow) the CCC Student Code of Conduct. If you haven't read it, you can download a copy here: The Student Handbook states: "Academic Honesty is a cherished principle in the life of the College community. Students are expected to adhere to this principle by understanding the nature of plagiarism, and by not plagiarizing materials, by refraining from the use of unauthorized aids on tests and examinations, by turning in assignments which are products of their own efforts and research, and by refusing to give or receive information on tests and examinations. Persons who violate these principles of simple honesty risk embarrassment, course failure, or disciplinary action."

Departmental Attendance Policy

Three absences will result in a grade of “F” for the course - NO EXCEPTIONS. If an absence cannot be avoided, it must be discussed with your instructor ahead of time. Medical and other emergency leave of absences follow a different policy. Please contact your instructor if such a situation arises. In the event of an absence it is the student’s responsibility to find out what material was covered during the class and what work was assigned.


Two late arrivals equal one absence. You are expected to be in class on time; attendance is taken at the beginning of class.

Week by Week Break Down

This syllabus subject to change