Programming Club - Tutorials - MATH - Basics

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In mathematical problems, there is a difference between the way you count numbers and values. In simple base 10 math, the methods appear to be the same; However, if you intend to use an alternative base for your mathematical problems, you can immediately see the difference.

A numerical representation for a value, is divided into exponents according to it's base. For example, in base 10 math, the digits representing values are read from right to left as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. - which are all multiples of 10.

In base two math, they read from right to left as ones, twos, fours, eights. Similarly, base three math reads ones, threes, nines, twenty-sevens, etc.

The following table illustrates the four basic digits that represent values for each base up to ten.

Base One
Base Two
1 = 1
10 = 2
100 = 4
1000 = 8
Base Three
1 = 1
10 = 3
100 = 9
1000 = 27
Base Four
1 = 1
10 = 4
100 = 16
1000 = 64
Base Five
1 = 1
10 = 5
100 = 25
1000 = 125
Base Six
1 = 1
10 = 6
100 = 36
1000 = 216
Base Seven
1 = 1
10 = 7
100 = 49
1000 = 343
Base Eight
1 = 1
10 = 8
100 = 64
1000 = 512
Base Nine
1 = 1
10 = 9
100 = 81
1000 = 729
Base Ten
1 = 1
10 = 10
100 = 100
1000 = 1000

Knowing how to compute in different bases is very useful in understanding math, and is actually used in everyday life.
For example:

Base TwoComputers use base 2 to compute binary. Base TwelveA single year is equivalent to 12 months. Thus, years are counted in base 12. Base Twenty-FourDays are counted in base 24 (1 day == 24 hours).

Different based maths have numerous advantages, and can also help you gain a better general understanding of mathematics.

Irrational/Fractional Numbers

<math>\sum_{i=-m}^n-1 b_i * k^i</math>


Addition, like all mathematical operations, is not dependent on the base you are using. To perform addition, you simply count inside of a placeholder until it carries over into the next place.

For example:

Base 2:
101 + 1 = 110 (5 + 1 = 6)
Because base 2 math only allows 1's and zeros, you must carry over any remaining digits.

Base 8:
107 + 1 = 110 (71 + 1 = 72)
Because base 8 math only allows for numbers up to 8, you must carry over any remaining digits.

Base 10:
109 + 1 = 110


Subtraction is always the same despite the base that you are using. Subtraction is simple the inverse of addition. Rather than adding a positive number, you are adding a negative number - you are removing a number.

So, here is an example of how to achieve this in base 2, 8, and 10:

Base 2:
100 - 1 = 11 (4 - 1 = 3)
Because base 2 math only allows 1's and zeros, you must borrow any remaining digits.

Base 8:
100 - 1 = 77 (64 - 1 = 63)
Because base 8 math only allows for numbers up to 8, you must borrow any remaining digits.

Base 10:
100 - 1 = 99



