How to update IAM Bio

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1. Point your browser to and select MyIAM Logon. If you are prompted about security exception. Accept them and add the cert to your browser. It's safe we only use our cert for encryption we are not verified by a third party as this costs $.

  • To confirm the excpetion in Firefox click “Or you can add an exception” from the error page, then click “Add Exception”.
  • In “Add Security Exception” dialog, press “Get Certificate” button. The “Get Certificate” will override how firefox identifies the site.
  • Press “Confirm Security Exception” button to add the site to the exception list and reconnect to the site.

Bio MyIAM.png

2. On the Logon page put in your IAM logon info and press Login

Bio logon.png

3. Select Edit Bio from the MyIAM Page

Bio selectEditBio.png

4. You are now at the edit bio page you just need to confirm that you want to edit your bio. Press the Edit button at the lower left of the bluegreen box.

Bio PressEdit.png

5. Edit away. Please keep in mind.

  • The position field should be 'Staff' 'Full Time Faculty' or 'Part Time Faculty'. If you leave this field empty it will assume Part Time Faculty. If you type something else your bio will not be displayed.
  • Presonal image should be a link to an image on the web. This image should be 160px × 120px or at least 4 x 3 to preserve aspect ratio.

Bio EditAway.png

6. Press the Update button at the bottom of the blue box to update you bio.

Bio Update.png

7. You will be promoted once again to authenticate use your iam logon.

Bio SaveYourBio.png

8. Enjoy you new Bio.

Bio enjoyYourBio.png

If you don't like the web you can always edit you bio by hand. It lives in your pub folder in \pub\bio\bio.xml. Please don't delete this file and if you edit it by hand please check it to make sure it is valid.