DD Class9

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Repo Pattern

Definition from P of EE http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/repository.html MSDN The Repository Pattern

The repository pattern is a nice way to abstract data fetching logic and easily separate concerns from different layers of your app. It allows of to quickly refactor and swap repos.

First we can start with the cheese definition


public class Cheese
       public int CheeseID { get; set; }
       public string CheeseName { get; set; }
       public string CheeseDescription { get; set; }

</csharp> Then interface for the repo <csharp> public interface IRepository<T>

       T GetById(int id);
       List<T> GetItems();
       void Add(T entity);
       void Remove(T entity);

</csharp> Now we want to expand the interface definition to cheeses <csharp> /// <summary>

   /// ICheeseRepo Changes the type of the Generic Repo To Cheese
   /// </summary>
   public interface ICheeseRepo : IRepository<Cheese>
       List<Cheese> GetItems();
       List<Cheese> GetCheeses();  //New Method To Get Cheeses
       //May want to expand the definition to get cheese by name
       //Cheese GetByName(string name)

</csharp> Finally the repo interface can then be implemented like this <csharp> public class TestCheeseRepository : ICheeseRepo

       //could grab these from the Application Object
       private static List<Cheese> fakeCheeses =
           new List<Cheese> { new Cheese { CheeseID=1, CheeseName="test1", CheeseDescription = "test desc 1" },
               new Cheese { CheeseID=2, CheeseName="test2", CheeseDescription = "test desc 2" },
               new Cheese { CheeseID=2, CheeseName="test3", CheeseDescription = "test desc 3" }

       #region ICheeseRepo Members
       public List<Cheese> GetItems()
           return GetCheeses();

       public List<Cheese> GetCheeses()
           return fakeCheeses.ToList();
       #region IRepository<Cheese> Members
       public Cheese GetById(int id)
           //linq statement to find cheese by ID
           var currentCheese = from c in fakeCheeses where c.CheeseID == id select c;
           return currentCheese.FirstOrDefault();
       public void Add(Cheese entity)
       public void Remove(Cheese entity)
       //added statement to find cheese by name
       public Cheese GetByName(string name)
           //linq statement to find cheese by name
           var currentCheese = from c in fakeCheeses where c.CheeseName == name select c;
           return currentCheese.FirstOrDefault();


Link to the implememtation http://iam.colum.edu/datadesign/gbrowser.php?file=/App_code/Repo/CheeseRepo.cs

Now to use the Repo



<csharp> ICheeseRepo db = new TestCheeseRepository();

       gv1.DataSource = db.GetCheeses();


You can add LINQ helpers to the class <csharp> /// <summary>

   /// Cheese Class for Our Repo
   /// </summary>
   [Table(Name = "Cheese")]
   public class Cheese
       [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)]
       public int CheeseID { get; set; }
       public string CheeseName { get; set; }
       public string CheeseDescription { get; set; }


and then create a new cheese repo

and update your repo initialization

<csharp> ICheeseRepo db = new CheeseRepository(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["cheeseConnectionString"].ToString());

       gv1.DataSource = db.GetCheeses();


Primary Keys

The candidate key selected as being most important for identifying a body of information (an entity, object or record).


Normal Forms

First Normal

Form eliminates repeating groups by putting each into a separate table and connecting them with a one-to-many relationship.

Data Relationships

Not Following First Normal Form Repeating Groups


BlogID BlogText recCreationDate Mood
1 Blog1 03/30/03 Happy
2 Blog2 03/30/03 Happy
3 Blog3 03/30/03 Sad
4 Blog4 03/30/03 Happy
5 Blog4 03/30/03 Mad

Tables that Follow First normal form


BlogID BlogText recCreationDate MoodID
1 Blog1 03/30/03 1
2 Blog2 03/30/03 1
3 Blog3 03/30/03 2
4 Blog4 03/30/03 1
5 Blog4 03/30/03 3


MoodID MoodName
1 Happy
2 Sad
3 Mad
4 Afraid

1NF also

Removes multiple column with the same type of data

Books Not Normal


Author Title_01 Pages_01 Title_02 Pages_02 Title_03 Pages_03
Michael Allen Dymmoch The Man Who Understood Cats 256 White Tiger 320
Joseph Cancellaro Exploring Sound Design for Interactive Media 272
In Class Build Blogs Table and Normalize Books Table







UserID UserName LastLogon
1 jmeyers 3/30/03
2 bgates 4/1/03
3 sjobs 4/2/03
4 ltorvalds 4/3/03


EmailID UserID EmailAddress Active displayEmail
1 1 jeff@interactive.colum.edu 1 0
2 1 only_a_test@hotmail.com 0 0
3 2 bgates@microsoft.com 1 0


The INNER JOIN returns all rows from both tables where there is a match. If there are rows in User that do not have matches in Email, those rows will not be listed.

-- ANSI Style <sql> SELECT u.UserID, u.UserName, u.LastLogon, e.EmailAddress, e.active, e.displayEmail FROM UserTest u JOIN EmailTest e ON e.UserID = u.UserID </sql>

--Theta style <sql> SELECT u.UserID, u.UserName, u.LastLogon, e.EmailAddress, e.active, e.displayEmail FROM UserTest u, EmailTest e WHERE e.UserID = u.UserID </sql>


UserID      UserName            LastLogon                     EmailAddress                     active displayEmail 
----------- ------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------- ------ ------------ 
1           jmeyers             2003-03-30 00:00:00.000       jeff@interactive.colum.edu       1      0
1           jmeyers             2003-03-30 00:00:00.000       only_a_test@hotmail.com          0      0
2           bgates              2003-04-01 00:00:00.000       bgates@microsoft.com             1      0

(3 row(s) affected)


The LEFT JOIN returns all the rows from the first table (User), even if there are no matches in the second table (Email). If there are rows in User that do not have matches in Email, those rows also will be listed.

<sql> SELECT u.UserID, u.UserName, u.LastLogon, e.EmailAddress, e.active, e.displayEmail FROM UserTest u LEFT JOIN EmailTest e ON e.UserID = u.UserID </sql>

UserID      UserName     LastLogon                 EmailAddress                 active displayEmail 
----------- ------------ ------------------------- ---------------------------- ------ ------------ 
1           jmeyers      2003-03-30 00:00:00.000   jeff@interactive.colum.edu   1      0
1           jmeyers      2003-03-30 00:00:00.000   only_a_test@hotmail.com      0      0
2           bgates       2003-04-01 00:00:00.000   bgates@microsoft.com         1      0
3           sjobs        2003-04-02 00:00:00.000   NULL                         NULL   NULL
4           ltorvalds    2003-04-03 00:00:00.000   NULL                         NULL   NULL

(5 row(s) affected)


The RIGHT JOIN returns all the rows from the second table (Email), even if there are no matches in the first table (User). If there had been any rows in Email that did not have matches in User, those rows also would have been listed.

<sql> SELECT u.UserID, u.UserName, u.LastLogon, e.EmailAddress, e.active, e.displayEmail FROM UserTest u RIGHT JOIN EmailTest e ON e.UserID = u.UserID </sql>


UserID      UserName            LastLogon                     EmailAddress                     active displayEmail 
----------- ------------------- ----------------------------- -------------------------------- ------ ------------ 
1           jmeyers             2003-03-30 00:00:00.000       jeff@interactive.colum.edu       1      0
1           jmeyers             2003-03-30 00:00:00.000       only_a_test@hotmail.com          0      0
2           bgates              2003-04-01 00:00:00.000       bgates@microsoft.com             1      0

(3 row(s) affected)

Making views in enterprise manager is easy. Just add the tables you want to join and click. It does all the typing for you.

Review First Normal Form

Let build the example for the homework.

Build Interface to GameDB


GameTitle GameGenre DeveloperName Platform(s) Year DeveloperWebsite GameWebsite
Quake1 FPS id Dos 1996 http://www.idsoftware.com/ http://www.idsoftware.com/games/quake/quake/
Diablo RPG Blizzard Windows 95 1996 http://www.blizzard.com/ http://www.blizzard.com/diablo/
SimCity Sim Interplay Dos 1993 http://www.interplay.com/ http://www.maxis.com/

Tables Games, Developers, Websites, Platforms?

Build Views

Nesting Data Bound Controls

nesting controls

Datasource Controls can probably handle up to 70% of your data binding needs but they do have drawbacks. Consider the cheese database which uses an SQL view to join Cheese with Region, Consistency, and MilkType. Of course SQL view don't support updating and can lead to some bad data binding. we can fix a few of these problem with stored procedures.

Simple filter Demo in class

GridView Details View Master Child Relationship

http://iam.colum.edu/dd/classsource/data/CheeseDataBindingFull.aspx source

Stored Procedures


Cheese browser assignment

Make a creative cheese browser from that tables in you db. Use a view to join that data from multiple tables..

Here's and example of a simple cheese shop browser app.



Normalize these tables. Make a UML Drawing for both tables.


GameTitle GameGenre DeveloperName Platform(s) Year DeveloperWebsite GameWebsite
Quake1 FPS id Dos 1996 http://www.idsoftware.com/ http://www.idsoftware.com/games/quake/quake/
Diablo RPG Blizzard Windows 95 1996 http://www.blizzard.com/ http://www.blizzard.com/diablo/
SimCity Sim Interplay Dos 1993 http://www.interplay.com/ http://www.maxis.com/


CheeseName CheeseDescription RegionName Consistency MilkType
Argentinian Reggianito The vast grazing pastures of Argentina revealed themselves to be ideal for immigrant Italians.. Hard Argentina Goats Milk
Feta Feta is made in a traditional manner by a small family dairy in central Greece... Crumbly Greek Mix of Milks
Cheddar The most widely purchased and eaten cheese in the world. Cheddar cheeses were originally made in England, however today they are manufactured in many countries all over the world. Semi-Hard England Cows Milk

Build a blog interface to the blog tables we built in class. The blog interface requires

  • An insert blog page. Don't worry about user names or authentications this is a very public blog more like a message board.
  • A blogroll display page. Be careful which control you use to display the data.

Extra Credit is an edit or delete page.

READ BDD Chapter 4 again Chapter 5

READ BAD Chapter 8







