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John Gosling – Game-Design 1
The Almighty Credit
 Specification
 CORP is a cyberpunk themed game where the players manage dystopian corporations, and compete with each other to obtain profits, to destroy their competition. Players collect resources to give their corporation bonuses, and use runner teams to neutralize or steal other players’ items.
 Mission
 Run your Corp to make a grotesque profit by Machiavellian means. Lie, cheat, steal, or just murder to get the biggest advantage. Backroom deals are made with other players for temporary alliances, as it is sometimes more frugal to keep your enemies closer. Collect vital resources, kidnap VIPs, sabotage production… do whatever it takes to emerge victorious.
 Key Mechanics
 Players must build profits, which are spent to strengthen their position.
 Profits are spent on resources, infrastructure, security, or runners.
 Profits can also be collected for a large buyout of an enemy corp, effectively making them a lackey of yours
 Resources are unique items that give you a special advantage.
 Example: The “Black Market Research” gives you +200 credits, 10% off illegal goods, and +1 to your Thug Runners
 Infrastructure improves your corporation, increasing profits or allowing better resources.
 Example: The “Industrial lvl 2” gives you +400 credits.
 Security is similar to infrastructure, except it protects your resources, profits, and infrastructure against runner teams sent against you.
 Runners are sent against other corporations to negate what they have spent profits on, or to steal the profit itself.
 Runners can steal profits and resources, or destroy resources, infrastructure, security, or other runner teams.
 Players make deals with other players for momentary gain against the others, or to bring down someone who is becoming too powerful.
 Presentation
 The game board is a top down view of the city, with central locations for corporations to start. The entire aesthetic is cyberpunk: far advanced sci-fi technology, but dirty, broken, and secondhand.
 The overall feel of the game should lend to an air of conspiracy and paranoia. Every flavor text and image should make players feel sinister and wicked.
 Game Flow
 Players select a corporation, and place any starting pieces.
 Players begin accumulating profit and spending it on infrastructure to make more profit
 Players begin to diverge, investing more in infrastructure, resources, or building up a runner team.
 Players begin to invest in security as runner teams are formed.
 Player Corps get bigger, make more money, have more resources, and create better runner teams, but growth is slowed due to aggression of other players.
 If the balance of power tips too far in one player’s direction, the others will have to gang up on them to keep their own Corp alive.
 If the winning player applies appropriate tactics and can keep his “allies” under control, they win be eradicating any remaining competitors. Any Vassals to the head Corp get ranked based on the winner’s choice (I.E. Winner is 1st place, then winner ranks the Vassals 2nd, 3rd, 4th, so on). Competitors who are destroyed simply lose (“Last place”).
 Details
 Profits
 Infrastructure
 Divisions:
• Research
• Sales
• Production
 Security
 Vs. Runners
 Squads vs. combat
 Firewalls vs. hacking
 Security systems vs. stealth
 Resources
 Runner Teams
 Have Attributes, combined based on members of the team
• Combat
• Hacking
• Stealth
• Special Skill
• Different specialties, such as safe-cracking, explosives, kidnapping, etc?
 A pool of runners the player can choose from at a time
 Different types
• Thugs: High Combat, not much else
• Hackers: High Hacking, possibly some tech skills
• Thieves: High Stealth, possibly some espionage skills

Latest revision as of 20:07, 11 November 2008


John Gosling – Game-Design 1 CORP The Almighty Credit

 Specification  CORP is a cyberpunk themed game where the players manage dystopian corporations, and compete with each other to obtain profits, to destroy their competition. Players collect resources to give their corporation bonuses, and use runner teams to neutralize or steal other players’ items.

 Mission  Run your Corp to make a grotesque profit by Machiavellian means. Lie, cheat, steal, or just murder to get the biggest advantage. Backroom deals are made with other players for temporary alliances, as it is sometimes more frugal to keep your enemies closer. Collect vital resources, kidnap VIPs, sabotage production… do whatever it takes to emerge victorious.

 Key Mechanics  Players must build profits, which are spent to strengthen their position.  Profits are spent on resources, infrastructure, security, or runners.  Profits can also be collected for a large buyout of an enemy corp, effectively making them a lackey of yours  Resources are unique items that give you a special advantage.  Example: The “Black Market Research” gives you +200 credits, 10% off illegal goods, and +1 to your Thug Runners  Infrastructure improves your corporation, increasing profits or allowing better resources.  Example: The “Industrial lvl 2” gives you +400 credits.  Security is similar to infrastructure, except it protects your resources, profits, and infrastructure against runner teams sent against you.  Runners are sent against other corporations to negate what they have spent profits on, or to steal the profit itself.  Runners can steal profits and resources, or destroy resources, infrastructure, security, or other runner teams.  Players make deals with other players for momentary gain against the others, or to bring down someone who is becoming too powerful.

 Presentation  The game board is a top down view of the city, with central locations for corporations to start. The entire aesthetic is cyberpunk: far advanced sci-fi technology, but dirty, broken, and secondhand.  The overall feel of the game should lend to an air of conspiracy and paranoia. Every flavor text and image should make players feel sinister and wicked.

 Game Flow  Players select a corporation, and place any starting pieces.  Players begin accumulating profit and spending it on infrastructure to make more profit  Players begin to diverge, investing more in infrastructure, resources, or building up a runner team.  Players begin to invest in security as runner teams are formed.  Player Corps get bigger, make more money, have more resources, and create better runner teams, but growth is slowed due to aggression of other players.  If the balance of power tips too far in one player’s direction, the others will have to gang up on them to keep their own Corp alive.  If the winning player applies appropriate tactics and can keep his “allies” under control, they win be eradicating any remaining competitors. Any Vassals to the head Corp get ranked based on the winner’s choice (I.E. Winner is 1st place, then winner ranks the Vassals 2nd, 3rd, 4th, so on). Competitors who are destroyed simply lose (“Last place”).

 Details  Profits  Infrastructure  Divisions: • Research • Sales • Production  Security  Vs. Runners  Squads vs. combat  Firewalls vs. hacking  Security systems vs. stealth  Resources  Runner Teams  Have Attributes, combined based on members of the team • Combat • Hacking • Stealth • Special Skill • Different specialties, such as safe-cracking, explosives, kidnapping, etc?  A pool of runners the player can choose from at a time  Different types • Thugs: High Combat, not much else • Hackers: High Hacking, possibly some tech skills • Thieves: High Stealth, possibly some espionage skills