AIM Class8

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Class 8

Web Forms

HTML Form Example

Simple GET

This is a simple example of an html form that has two text fields. One called FirstName and one called LastName. The two fields are sent via a get request to an aspx apge that displays the results.

Here is the simpleGet.aspx source for those that are interested

Simple POST

Same a the simple GET page except the page uses a POST instead of a get. Notice that the variables do not show up in the querysting to the action page. The variables here are sent in the http header. You may also notice there is a subtle change in the way that aspx read these varibales.

Here is the simplePost.aspx source for those that are interested

All HTML input types


1.Backstory 2.acronym 3.structure (and what that means) 5.timeline: 1994, 1998 (3.0), 2000 (4) and 5 6.server-side vs. client-side 7.server-side processing 8.delimiters 9.functions 10.parameters 11.echo shortcut (<?=”output”;?> 12.variables (& datatypes – strings, numeric, and boolean) ex: $variableName 13.variable naming conventions (don'ts: starting with _ or numbers) 14.line termination (just like actionscript & javascript) 15.quotes – double and single(#4) 16.escape characters \n linefeed and \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \\ backslash \$ dollar sign \” double quote and \' single quote 17.numeric values (example) 18.concatenating multiple lines using .= 19.conditional statements 20.more functions(ucwords, strtoupper) 21.custom functions Misc notes: editors to use, resources to explore, etc.

Code examples:


$variable1 = "value of variable 1";
$variable2 = "value of variable 2 with $variable1 embedded";
echo $variable2;
$variable1 = "value of variable 1";
$variable2 = "Value of variable 2 with $variable1 embedded";
echo $variable2;
echo "<br />Double quotes are strange because you can express the value of a variable by just referencing the variable name in a string, ";
echo "<br />and single quotes can be confusing when concatenating variable values.";
$variable3 = 'single quote variable 3';
$variable4 = '<br />variable 4 with $variable3 referenced (but not displayed unless you concatenate it like so: '.$variable3.')';
echo $variable4;

echo "To use a single quote in a double-quoted string is no problem, but it is in a single-quoted string."; 
echo "If you are using single quotes, you will need to escape the apostrophe 's otherwise you will get an error (try it)"; 
$characterName = 'Casper';
$ownedObject = "cat";
echo "<br /><br />Where is $characterName's $ownedObject?";
echo '<br /><br />Where is '.$characterName.'\'s '.$ownedObject.'?';

echo "Adding numeric values<br />"; 
$a = 2;
$b = 3;
$c = $a + $b;
echo "<br /><br />$a plus $b equals $c";

echo "Adding numeric values<br />"; 
$a = “2”;
$b = “3”;
$c = $a + $b;
echo "<br /><br />$a plus $b equals $c";

$output = "There once was ";
$output .= "a blue frog who ";
$output .= "was very serious about";
$output .= "playing guitar. ";
$output .= "He lived happily ever after. ";
$output .= "The end. ";
echo "<br /><br />$output";

$output = "There once was ";
$output .= "a blue frog who ";
$output .= "was very serious about";
$output .= "playing guitar. ";
$output .= "He lived happily ever after. ";
$output .= "The end. ";

//comments are just like in ActionScript & JavaScript
$password = "hello";
//$password = "bye";
if ($password == "hello") {	
	echo "<br /><br />$output";
} elseif($password == "bye") {
	echo "Goodbye!";
}else {
	echo "yipes! there is no valid password!";

//character names
$frogName = "Henry J. Frog";
$fishName = "sarina k. littlefish";

//printing out names as-is
echo "<br />$frogName";
echo "<br />$fishName";

//using ucwords()
$fishName = ucwords($fishName);
echo "<br />Now using ucwords function:";
echo "<br />$fishName";

//using strtoupper()
$fishName = strtoupper($fishName);
echo "<br />Now using strtoupper function:";
echo "<br />$fishName";


//custom function
function sayHello($saying, $day) {
	$greeting = "On a day like today, $day, I always like to think $saying - don't you?";
	return $greeting;
echo "Hello. ".sayHello("yipes!", "Thursday");


AIM Assignment 6 Web Forms

