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(Simple POST)
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TODO write something about php here....
4.open-source (and what that means)
5.timeline: 1994, 1998 (3.0), 2000 (4) and 5
6.server-side vs. client-side
7.server-side processing
11.echo shortcut (<?=”output”;?>
12.variables (& datatypes – strings, numeric, and boolean) ex: $variableName
13.variable naming conventions (don'ts: starting with  _ or numbers)
14.line termination (just like actionscript & javascript)
15.quotes – double and single(#4)
16.escape characters
\n linefeed and \r carriage return
\t horizontal tab
\\ backslash
\$ dollar sign
\” double quote and \' single quote
17.numeric values (example)
18.concatenating multiple lines using .=
19.conditional statements
20.more functions(ucwords, strtoupper)
21.custom functions
Misc notes: editors to use, resources to explore, etc.
Code examples:
$variable1 = "value of variable 1";
$variable2 = "value of variable 2 with $variable1 embedded";
echo $variable2;
$variable1 = "value of variable 1";
$variable2 = "Value of variable 2 with $variable1 embedded";
echo $variable2;
echo "<br />Double quotes are strange because you can express the value of a variable by just referencing the variable name in a string, ";
echo "<br />and single quotes can be confusing when concatenating variable values.";
$variable3 = 'single quote variable 3';
$variable4 = '<br />variable 4 with $variable3 referenced (but not displayed unless you concatenate it like so: '.$variable3.')';
echo $variable4;
echo "To use a single quote in a double-quoted string is no problem, but it is in a single-quoted string.";
echo "If you are using single quotes, you will need to escape the apostrophe 's otherwise you will get an error (try it)";
$characterName = 'Casper';
$ownedObject = "cat";
echo "<br /><br />Where is $characterName's $ownedObject?";
echo '<br /><br />Where is '.$characterName.'\'s '.$ownedObject.'?';
echo "Adding numeric values<br />";
$a = 2;
$b = 3;
$c = $a + $b;
echo "<br /><br />$a plus $b equals $c";
echo "Adding numeric values<br />";
$a = “2”;
$b = “3”;
$c = $a + $b;
echo "<br /><br />$a plus $b equals $c";
$output = "There once was ";
$output .= "a blue frog who ";
$output .= "was very serious about";
$output .= "playing guitar. ";
$output .= "He lived happily ever after. ";
$output .= "The end. ";
echo "<br /><br />$output";
$output = "There once was ";
$output .= "a blue frog who ";
$output .= "was very serious about";
$output .= "playing guitar. ";
$output .= "He lived happily ever after. ";
$output .= "The end. ";
//comments are just like in ActionScript & JavaScript
$password = "hello";
//$password = "bye";
if ($password == "hello") {
echo "<br /><br />$output";
} elseif($password == "bye") {
echo "Goodbye!";
}else {
echo "yipes! there is no valid password!";
//character names
$frogName = "Henry J. Frog";
$fishName = "sarina k. littlefish";
//printing out names as-is
echo "<br />$frogName";
echo "<br />$fishName";
//using ucwords()
$fishName = ucwords($fishName);
echo "<br />Now using ucwords function:";
echo "<br />$fishName";
//using strtoupper()
$fishName = strtoupper($fishName);
echo "<br />Now using strtoupper function:";
echo "<br />$fishName";
//custom function
function sayHello($saying, $day) {
$greeting = "On a day like today, $day, I always like to think $saying - don't you?";
return $greeting;
echo "Hello. ".sayHello("yipes!", "Thursday");

Revision as of 16:09, 22 August 2006

Class 8

Web Forms

HTML Form Example

Simple GET

This is a simple example of an html form that has two text fields. One called FirstName and one called LastName. The two fields are sent via a get request to an aspx apge that displays the results.


Here is the simpleGet.aspx source for those that are interested

Simple POST

Same a the simple GET page except the page uses a POST instead of a get. Notice that the variables do not show up in the querysting to the action page. The variables here are sent in the http header. You may also notice there is a subtle change in the way that aspx read these varibales.


Here is the simplePost.aspx source for those that are interested

All HTML input types http://iam.colum.edu/AIM/class8/htmlFormExample.html


1.Backstory 2.acronym 3.structure 4.open-source (and what that means) 5.timeline: 1994, 1998 (3.0), 2000 (4) and 5 6.server-side vs. client-side 7.server-side processing 8.delimiters 9.functions 10.parameters 11.echo shortcut (<?=”output”;?> 12.variables (& datatypes – strings, numeric, and boolean) ex: $variableName 13.variable naming conventions (don'ts: starting with _ or numbers) 14.line termination (just like actionscript & javascript) 15.quotes – double and single(#4) 16.escape characters \n linefeed and \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \\ backslash \$ dollar sign \” double quote and \' single quote 17.numeric values (example) 18.concatenating multiple lines using .= 19.conditional statements 20.more functions(ucwords, strtoupper) 21.custom functions Misc notes: editors to use, resources to explore, etc.

Code examples:


$variable1 = "value of variable 1";
$variable2 = "value of variable 2 with $variable1 embedded";
echo $variable2;
$variable1 = "value of variable 1";
$variable2 = "Value of variable 2 with $variable1 embedded";
echo $variable2;
echo "<br />Double quotes are strange because you can express the value of a variable by just referencing the variable name in a string, ";
echo "<br />and single quotes can be confusing when concatenating variable values.";
$variable3 = 'single quote variable 3';
$variable4 = '<br />variable 4 with $variable3 referenced (but not displayed unless you concatenate it like so: '.$variable3.')';
echo $variable4;

echo "To use a single quote in a double-quoted string is no problem, but it is in a single-quoted string."; 
echo "If you are using single quotes, you will need to escape the apostrophe 's otherwise you will get an error (try it)"; 
$characterName = 'Casper';
$ownedObject = "cat";
echo "<br /><br />Where is $characterName's $ownedObject?";
echo '<br /><br />Where is '.$characterName.'\'s '.$ownedObject.'?';

echo "Adding numeric values<br />"; 
$a = 2;
$b = 3;
$c = $a + $b;
echo "<br /><br />$a plus $b equals $c";

echo "Adding numeric values<br />"; 
$a = “2”;
$b = “3”;
$c = $a + $b;
echo "<br /><br />$a plus $b equals $c";

$output = "There once was ";
$output .= "a blue frog who ";
$output .= "was very serious about";
$output .= "playing guitar. ";
$output .= "He lived happily ever after. ";
$output .= "The end. ";
echo "<br /><br />$output";

$output = "There once was ";
$output .= "a blue frog who ";
$output .= "was very serious about";
$output .= "playing guitar. ";
$output .= "He lived happily ever after. ";
$output .= "The end. ";

//comments are just like in ActionScript & JavaScript
$password = "hello";
//$password = "bye";
if ($password == "hello") {	
	echo "<br /><br />$output";
} elseif($password == "bye") {
	echo "Goodbye!";
}else {
	echo "yipes! there is no valid password!";

//character names
$frogName = "Henry J. Frog";
$fishName = "sarina k. littlefish";

//printing out names as-is
echo "<br />$frogName";
echo "<br />$fishName";

//using ucwords()
$fishName = ucwords($fishName);
echo "<br />Now using ucwords function:";
echo "<br />$fishName";

//using strtoupper()
$fishName = strtoupper($fishName);
echo "<br />Now using strtoupper function:";
echo "<br />$fishName";


//custom function
function sayHello($saying, $day) {
	$greeting = "On a day like today, $day, I always like to think $saying - don't you?";
	return $greeting;
echo "Hello. ".sayHello("yipes!", "Thursday");


AIM Assignment 6 Web Forms


