ELIA Steering Committee

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MPC tour

Notes Day 2

Workshop descriptions


  • Abell, Jeff
  • Barbier, Annette
  • Dawoud Bey
  • Blandford, Robert
  • Carpenter, Peter
  • Esterrich, Carmelo
  • Freeman, Chap
  • Greene, Myra
  • Kelley, Abbie
  • Nichols, Eliza
  • Parr, Debra
  • Sullivan, Margaret

Notes from Monday, March 9 2009

ATTENDEES: Eliza Nichols, Co-chair

Michelle Citron, Co-chair

Jeff Abell

Annette Barbier

Dawoud Bey

Robert Blandford

Carmelo Esterrich

Chap Freeman

Myra Greene


Peter Carpenter

Debra Parr

Margaret Sullivan

NEXT MEETING: Monday, March 16, 2009 5:30 p.m.


1. Review meeting notes and send all edits / additions to meeting notes to Abbie Kelley awkelley@colum.edu – COMMITTEE MEETING ATTENDEES

2. Propose ‘sexier’ titles for workshops – COMMITTEE

3. Propose 3 subtopics and formats for each workshop – COMMITTEE


1. Create Wiki – ANNETTE (done)

2. Develop initial context for the ELIA website to promote symposium– COMMITTEE

3. Develop interactive element(s) for the ELIA website to engage ELIA constituents, attract attendees – TBD

4. Review planned Columbia exhibitions and activities at A+D Gallery, CBPA, DEPS, 618, etc. and what we want to add - LOGISTICS COMMITTEE

5. Survey Chicago museums, theaters, etc. for programming during the symposium – LOGISTICS COMMITTEE

6. Approach architect Jeanne Gang – COMMITTEE (M.A. faculty talk to Doreen)

7. Budget: Committee needs to propose program ideas with ballpark budget for review/approval by ELIA and CCC leadership-Need to get this to Gillian before April 15


(Please note, agenda item is in bold, discussion notes in standard type)

1. Introduction and charge to the committee by Eliza and Michelle

  • Committee charge is to build the content for the symposium.
  • Should be highly interactive - a break from the traditional symposium model of juried papers, presentations – with more attendee discussion, participation, interaction.
  • Showcase Columbia
  • build on our strengths – what we do programmatically, departmentally, individually, collaboratively, bridges to the community.
  • our approach to education, collaboration, community connections, preparing artists to function in their fields
  • Assume a non-defensive posture regarding creativity and the non-arts world.
  • Have an impact on a broader community, beyond the academic world
  • Explore the tension between our roles as artists and educators
  • Expected attendanProxy-Connection: keep-alive

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approx. 200 total - 70 Europeans, 120 Americans

2. The Concept: Workshops on the following topics:

(Note: These are the concepts that the steering committee, with ELIA, have already decided upon. We're asking the faculty committee to match these workshops with activities that are already being done at Columbia. Perhaps one or two might have to go, while others might be added.)

  • Three sections of each workshop
  • Workshop formats could vary with topic and subtopic
  • Workshops as samples/case studies or as departure point for conversation?

a. Art in the Economy

  • Problem solving v. creativity (both in the arts and industry)
  • Art-making in the current economy
  • How do artists make a living in today’s economy
  • U.S. and European models, examples, lessons
  • What do we do now in the new economic reality? Plans, speculative ideas
  • New alternatives – value, trade
  • Artists and real estate (Detroit, Amsterdam….)

b. Art, Science, and Technology

  • Use IAM models and technology in a participatory activity
  • Constructing art with data.
  • Technology as medium
  • Networked realities

c. Art and the Environment

  • Showcase new Media building and architect Jeanne Gang
  • Use of chemicals in art making (CBPA)

d. Integrity of Art Making: The Arts as both Primary and Utilitarian Research

  • Remix, appropriation and ethics
  • Issues of appropriation and technology
  • Improvisation as a practical and conceptual trope

e. Art, Culture, and Social Change

  • The place of artists in art education
  • Art education as an extension of the artist’s work / process
  • Public works that socially engage, create civic conversations (artist Carl Pope, for example)
  • IAM class in public art could structure an event
  • IAM could create a workshop around Games for Change

3. Content:

  • Who should be invited to jump start the conversation in each workshop (provocateurs/commentators)? We will need one for each workshop topic.
  • Frame the questions / challenges
  • Ask attendees to bring something to the workshop
  • Jump start the conversation
  • Facilitate the workshop

4. Pre-symposium:

What will we ask the provocateur/commentators to do in order to set-up a good discussion. e.g., prepare a one page statement on the topic with a series of questions. Should these be posted to the website for distribution? Other ideas?

  • Create opportunities for on-line dialogue on ELIA website
  • Develop ways for ELIA constituents to participate in order for them to get the support of their institutions to attend the symposium
  • On-line forums, postings

5. Post-symposium:

Steve wants a product to come out of the workshops. Statements/working papers on our website? Podcasts?

  • Disseminate results to ELIA members, China and U.S. partners
  • Products could take multiple/different forms
  • Traditional and non-traditional documentation
  • Use Second Life and other technology
  • Traditional forms might be used for documenting non-traditional workshops

6. Show and tell for both Columbia and City of Chicago.

Faculty committee to brainstorm what departments or events should be included, e.g., CCAP, Centers, Fashion Collection, galleries, etc. What's happening both on campus and in the city that might be of interest to our audience?

  • The logistics committee is responsible for arrangements
  • Review planned Columbia exhibitions and activities at A+D Gallery, CBPA, DEPS, 618, etc. and what we want to add - LOGISTICS COMMITTEE

7. Format: the conference is Wed-Sat., April 21-24, 2010


Film Row Cinema and floor reserved, actual spaces needed TBD

- Registration Tuesday evening & Wednesday morning

a. Day 1 (Wednesday, April 21): We assume Wed is the arrival registration day. We will need an activity that first night.

  • Use the Talk the Walk / open house format across campus to kick off the symposium, showcase Columbia, ‘break the ice’, interaction with students

12:30-2:30 lunch-Host do intro

3-5 Talk the Walk

5-6:30 Cocktail & guest speaker

b. Day 2 (Thursday, April 22): workshop morning and afternoon the first day; evening activities?

  • Piggyback on existing Thursday visiting artist series in Photography and IAM

9:30-12:30 session

Break for lunch- CCC not providing

2-5 session

Free evening

c. Day 3 (Friday, April 23): closing workshop morning of day 3. Evening activities?

9:30-12:30 session

Break for lunch- CCC not providing

3-5 Wrap up session

5-8 Reception w/ food

d. Saturday: everyone leaves, though we might want some activities for those who choose to stay over to Sunday.

ELIA CCC Steering Committee debriefing by invitation only

8. Other items: big names?